2025 Writing Workshops Paris Application
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Applications for our July 2025 Paris workshops are open!
2025 Workshop Dates:
July 15th - 20th, 2025
Writing Workshops Paris with Ramona Ausubel, Marie-Helene Bertino, and Halimah Marcus brings together Fiction and Nonfiction writers and Poets for an intensive week of workshops, craft seminars, one-on-one conferences, and in-depth discussions on the craft and business of writing. Our program is inclusive, intentionally small, and takes place in the middle of Literary Paris, rich with history and inspiration.
Each genre workshop will have no more than 10 participants. All writers in Marie-Helene Bertino's fiction workshop and Halimah Marcus' fiction workshop will submit two completed pieces of writing. One submission will be workshopped by your genre-cohort and instructor and a second piece will be submitted for your one-on-one meeting with your workshop leader. Writers in Ramona Ausubel's generative workshop, which is open to all genres, will come to Paris and generate new writing throughout the city each day. Daily craft talks are open to all participants and led by program staff or faculty.
Our workshops are open to writers who want to strengthen their voice, develop a greater understanding of craft, and forge a path to publication along the way. We take your writing seriously and place the highest importance on teaching the craft of writing so that students can produce meaningful and memorable work that has the opportunity to find a readership beyond the workshop. Our mission is to bring your writing out of the wilderness and into community, and for a week every July, we think there is no better place to do this than in the heart of Paris, France.
What will my application include?
- Brief bio informing us of your involvement in the writing and literary community and any prior or forthcoming publications. (500 words max)
- Purpose statement explaining why you would like to participate in Writing Workshops Paris. You can also discuss current manuscripts or writing projects that you might choose to workshop. (1000 words max.)
- Writing sample excerpts in fiction or nonfiction. This does not have to be published work, though that is acceptable, nor does it have to be a piece you plan to workshop. Complete works under the word count are not required; excerpts are acceptable. (Fiction/nonfiction/poetry: 5000 words max).
We look forward to reading your work!
Blake Kimzey, WritingWorkshops.com
For full details, please visit the Writing Workshops Paris web page. Apply Now!
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